At the upcoming European Championships in Trieste, Italy,
the WKF European Congress will take place again

In accordance with the statutes and rules of procedure of WKF EUROPE, the board is re-elected every 4 years.
President Cesar Moreira, Portugal and Vice President Florin MINA, Romania, look forward to your election proposals.
We will be happy to email on your request a PDF to all WKF Presidents who wants a copy of the Articles of Association.
Today our WKF EUROPE board consists of the following members:
Kazantsev/UKR, Paone/ITA, Moreira/POR, Delfosse/FRA, Rozman/HUN, Mina/ROU and Logisch/GER.
The new board will then be valid until the 2027 European Championship.
Maybe in Greece, Slovakia, UK or Spain ?
WKF is hosting the European congress on Friday, October 27th at 4pm and take place in our main Hotel.
Please come all proper dressed in dark Blazer and tie, per country just two people only.
Since January 1st, 2023, the WKF has dismissed
more than 40 country presidents worldwide,
including two division world presidents! Have a look HERE !
Because of inactivity, disloyalty or, unfortunately, inability.
Only full member countries have the right to vote and to be elected. A chance for new country presidents in WKF EUROPE !
All our WKF European country presidents are expected to the congress and invited afterwards for dinner.
We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF President.
Come to Trieste for the European Congress!