online registration open April 20th
Ivan DERKACHENKO, WKF Supervisor in Chisinau
Dear friends in sport,
to all respected
European WKF presidents,
Welcome to Moldova!
the 2025 European Championship are first time in WKF history in Chisinau
full information on our official website
It’s a great pleasure and honor for me as officially nominated WKF Supervisor for the European Championships to welcome all of our members, fighters, officials, country presidents and supporters to our next European Championships in Chisinau, Moldova.
It is interesting to see after the amazing World Championships in Spain 2024 how the World is getting even more closer and therefore, it is pleasing to see the European Championships in the wonderful and charming country Moldova.
WKF MOLDOVA President Rustam ALIMOV has already confirmed that the next European Championships in 2025 will take place in the historic city of Chisinau.
The first meetings with the mayor and local partners and sponsors have already taken place.
As always, the official list of the various hotels in all price ranges will be online shortly and will be sent to all our WKF EUROPE presidents by email.
As always, the World Referee Seminar will be held in the main hotel on Saturday and Sunday 21/22 June.
Welcome to Chisinau
June 22nd to 29th
World referee seminar 2025 in Chisinau, Moldova
WKF MOLDOVA president Mr. Rustam ALIMOV is the host of the next WKF World referee seminar 2025 on June, 21st to 22nd.
Venue is the amazing 4 star main Hotel in Chisinau.
This is the perfect weekend, just before the European Championships 2025 in Moldova.
First time ever WKF is guest in this beautiful and charming country.
We got already many requests from our male / female referees and officials from 6 continents and we hope everybody who would need Visa start in time with Visa procedure.
Invitation is here soon !
Registration deadline June 13th
For details about the World seminar, Visa invitations, Hotel, or any requests about airport transfer and more contact our organizing team Mr. Rustam ALIMOV
Our update WKF licensed referee list is here ! Many photos of our international WKF referees here !
All rule books in 4 languages and more free to down load here !
All International WKF referees, who not has attended the last seminars in Wels 2022 , Skofje 2023 or Alicante 2024 must extend their license 2025 in Moldova.
The extended license is valid for three Years again.
Photos from all WKF seminars since 2011 are here in the gallery!
World Referee Training Course after next before the upcoming World Championship in autumn 2026 in Colombia!
Please note:
without valid WKF license you are not qualified for WKF events !
WKF PRO-AM division – for our best amateurs!
This is to follow many requests and wishes of our clients , managers and thousands of our fighters from all over the World.
On the next World Championships in Cartagena in autumn 2026 we have all fighting divisions, for male and females.
In WKF history we present AMATEUR BOXING, for male and females!
Today we are very successfully not only in pro sport but of course in amateur business too.
With great pleasure we want your poster of WKF sanctioned tournaments, with our logo on the poster. We would like to help with on-line advertising free of charge, of course. Short reports after would be great.
We just want to remind every WKF country president World wide to send fighter profiles of your amateurs or just non-professional male/female fighters in ring sport. We have same system like in other pro sport in WKF. We offer the chance to fight in all 5 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts.
Here are our 5 WKF divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more
Our WKF PRO-AM titles has a great value because of our World wide network with more than 140 member countries you have the chance to fight not only at home. No fighter will lose his/her amateur status , he/she can fight still on any tournament, any World Championship World wide. You can be sure just to face another amateur fighter with perhaps 15 to 20 fights and not real pro with more than 100 fights.
The rules and regulations for PRO-AM are easy to understand and waiting for your download. All you have to do is just send your fighter profile and jpg photos like always and we post your team online in the PRO AM World ranking. Because: only male/female fighters in our PRO AM World ranking are qualified to fight for our WKF titles.
For further requests or interest on any possible PRO-AM title fights do not hesitate to send a mail , please.
WKF World Championships in Alicante
… was the expected great success!
At the registration deadline, 62 nations from all 6 continents were registered online. As feared, some countries had not received entry visas, for whatever reason.
During registration on the first day, more than 500 fighters from 5 continents stepped on the scales, including, happily, more than 100 female athletes.
The quality and level of the fights were truly worthy of a world championship. If you don’t believe it, you can qualify for the 2026 World Championship in Colombia. There you can compete against the truly best fighters and be crowned a true world champion.
At the World Congress on Monday, more than 30 country presidents were present for the first time. Many new dates for events World wide for 2025/2026 were assigned and confirmed. The new WKF board was elected for 4 years until the 2028 World Championship!
A new world director for MMA and also for Muay Thay was also confirmed. Also a new WKF ASIA continental director was nominated!
As expected, the IRC – International Rules Committee made some rule changes, effective from January 1st, 2025.
All details and lots of photos will follow shortly, stay tuned….
Real TOP TEN countries in the World
This is the Grand total medal record of our TOP TEN countries from all WKF World Championships in the past !
Leading continent is WKF EUROPA
nine countries in TOP TEN ranking
First country is WKF ARGENTINA on pos. 1st 85/77/54
First North American country is WKF CANADA on pos. 12th 16/24/9
First Asian country is WKF IRAN on pos. 15th 15/2/7
Best Africans are WKF SOUTH AFRICA on pos 19th, 9/4/4
Down under WKF AUSTRALIA hold on position 36th 1/2/3
At home on his own local event everybody could be the champion …
but to compete on the highest level,
and to challenge the best fighter of the world
🙂 this is a different story
No time for “yada yada” !!!
Many countries attended in the past without any medals, we hope for better luck and more success next time in Spain, 18th to 22nd November. In total we had 76 different countries attending, next time we expect a new record on countries and fighters. Any country is welcome in our WKF World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18th to 22nd 2024
WKF European Cup in Moldova
Story in English is HERE on the main web site , 100 + photos HERE !
С 16.10 по 20.10. в г. Кишинёв, Республика Молдавия прошёл Открытый Кубок Европы по кикбоксингу: Open European Cup под эгидой Всемирной Федерации кикбоксинга WKF, World Kickboxing Federation.
Свыше пятисот спортсменов из 17 стран приняли участие в этом престижном турнире. Выдающие спортсмены, представители национальных сборных стран-участниц продемонстрировали изящные и яркие поединки на самом высоком техническом уровне.
В рамках турнира в программе гала-вечера состоялось 2 поединка за титул Чемпиона Европы и три боя за титул Чемпиона Мира среди профессионалов по версии WKF.
Диана Чебан (Молдавия) и Габриэль Мардаров( Румыния) стали Чемпионами Европы WKF ProAm.
Максим Казаку( Беларусь), Виктор Нечитайло( Беларусь) и Максимус Беженута( Молдавия ) – новые Чемпионы Мира среди профессионалов в разделе К1 по версии WKF.
Напомним, что велась прямая трансляция турнира.
В качестве почетных гостей на турнире присутствовали:
Вице-спикер Парламента Республики Молдова- Батрынча Влад,
Президент Федерации профессионального бокса Республики Молдова- Киртока Алексей,
Мэр города Кишинев- Чебану Ион,
Посол Республики Беларусь в Республике Молдова- Калинин Анатолий Николаевич,
Генеральный директор Государственного Учреждения “Республиканский центр олимпийской подготовки “Стайки “”,официальный Представитель WKF в Беларуси- Хмельков Сергей Васильевич,
многократный Чемпион Мира по кикбоксингу и представитель журнала единоборств «Shogun» Флориан Бартл- Florian Barthl (г. Вена, Австрия),
Президент Всемирной Федерации Кикбоксинга WKF – Фриц Эксенбергер-Fritz Exenberger (г. Вена, Австрия),
Супервайзер титульных боёв, Генеральный секретарь WKF Роман Логиш- Roman Logisch (г. Кельн,Германия).
Организатор и промоутер турнира Рустам Батурович Алимов был утвержден на должность Вице-Президента профессионального дивизиона WKF Pro за выдающийся вклад в развитие мирового кикбоксинга.
Поздравляем Рустама Батуровича Алимова с успешным завершением Кубка Европы по кикбоксингу и новым назначением!
World Championships 2024 in Spain !!!
Until today, fantastic 70+ nations have confirmed their participation in the World Championships in Alicante, Spain
in english language HERE:
o en español AQUÍ: