The best male and female champions are welcome in Spain!
Username and access available NOW on request
registration open until November 1st
we are the real global player
The best male and female champions are welcome in Spain!
Username and access available NOW on request
registration open until November 1st
WKF Avrupa web sitemizi burada bulabilirsiniz:
Aralık 2023’te WKF TÜRKIYE eski ulusal başkanımızı kovduk. Bu nedenle Türkiye için tüm hak ve yükümlülüklere sahip, nitelikli bir halefle ilgileniyoruz!
1. Amatör Dünya Şampiyonasımıza 18-22 Kasım tarihleri arasında İspanya’nın Alicante kentinde ev sahipliği yapıyoruz.
İdeal olarak her zaman Türkiye’den bir takım bekleriz. Tüm takımlar için çevrimiçi kayıt artık açık:
Yalnızca talep üzerine erişim ve şifre alacaksınız.
2. Yıllık Dünya Hakem Semineri önceki Pazar, 17 Kasım’da gerçekleşecek. Ülke başına en az bir yetkili bulunmalıdır, ancak daha fazlası daha iyi olur!
3. Amatör kickboks, MMA, PRO kickboks ve 1 Mart’tan itibaren boks – amatör ve profesyonel, erkek ve kadın için küresel sıralamalar sunuyoruz. Daha fazla ön bilgiye buradaki ekte veya talep üzerine 7/24 e-posta yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.
4. Daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu, WKF Türkiye Başkanı olarak yeni bir temsilci arıyor.
Göreviniz Türkiye’deki WKF’mizi yeniden düzenlemek, turnuvaları ve akşam gösterilerini kendiniz düzenlemek veya Türkiye’de onaylamak olacaktır. Milli takımları kasım ayında 2024 Dünya Kupası’na, 2025’te ise Polonya’ya yapılacak Avrupa Şampiyonası’na götürüyoruz.
Dünyanın en büyük (!) derneklerinden birinde önemli bir rol oynamakla ciddi olarak ilgileniyorsanız, onayınızı bekliyoruz. e-posta yoluyla:
Son olarak kişisel bir toplantı da mümkündür. Size bir WKF süpervizörü göndermekten memnuniyet duyarız ancak Avusturya’ya da gelebilirsiniz.
Onlardan haber almak bizi mutlu ediyor,
Najlepszy polski bokser i kickboxer we wszystkich dyscyplinach tatami i zapasach może już zgłaszać się do Pani Hnat o udział w Mistrzostwach Świata
Wstępny komunikat: Mistrzostwa Europy WKF 2025 w Polsce !!!
contact Ms. HNAT by email
Kolejne seminarium dla sędziów w Polsce już w przygotowaniu, WKF POLAND nie może się doczekać wielu nowych uczestników
With immediate effect we have a new management and team in Poland.
Former president Mr. Dariusz ZAJACZ was long time our close friend of WKF. After his voluntary resignation, a new time has now dawned for Poland.
For the first time, the management of the WKF POLAND with a completely new team and head referee will go to a woman, which the WKF very much welcomes.
Były Prezes Dariusz ZAJACZ był przez długi czas naszym bliskim przyjacielem WKF. Po jego dobrowolnej rezygnacji nadchodzi nowy czas dla Polski.
Po raz pierwszy kierownictwo WKF POLSKA zostanie przekazane kobiecie z zupełnie nowym zespołem i nowym sędzią głównym, co WKF bardzo cieszy.
The new president of WKF POLAND, Ms. Ewa Anna HNAT, has been involved in the management of WKF POLAND for many years. With her numerous foreign languages, she has often mediated at international events.
After there was again no Polish team at the European Championships in Trieste last Year, the WKF EUROPA continental federation has to set an example and react!.
If you are looking for fighters – men and women – from Poland and would like to book them for your next event,
or if YOU as a Polish fighter are interested in the new Polish WKF team and want to represent your country Poland in the best possible way in Alicante
or for all inquiries regarding new WKF POLAND – contact Ms. HNAT by email.
The next events in Poland are already in the online schedule, WKF POLAND will also nominate a large and strong team to Alicante for the World Championship.
In view of the upcoming major anniversary World Championships from November 18th to 22nd in Alicante, Spain, further new presidents of the global WKF family will soon be appointed worldwide.
We only have hard-working and very hard-working WKF presidents, we don’t have others
Dear friends in traditional martial arts!
As everybody know, the next World Championship is coming up in November 18th to 24th 2024 in Alicante, Spain.
Today we have 6 categories for forms / Kata / poomse / Hyong / Taolu creative etc.
To avoid any misunderstandings on the tatami or mat, I would like to ask you kindly one more time to read carefully the online WKF rule book for forms.
To see what is a traditional form, have a look here in two lists of forms.
Invitación e información completa en español
What are the dress codes?
When does the timer start e.g. for traditional forms with and without weapons ?
Any traditional form / Kata / Taolu etc. can be customized, but it still has to be recognizable.
From our official WKF recognized List and a traditional Japanese or Korean form or Kata!
In creative and freestyle: also compiled (with parts of existing forms) form using traditional techniques is permitted.
What is the time limit in creative forms or soft style forms?
Traditional Forms must be using traditional moves only. A traditional Form / Kata / Pommse / Hyong / Taolu etc. must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature.
Any so called “allstyle” form is not a traditional one!
For any creative forms are just the division 4 and 5 creative forms with music, with and without weapon.
Once again I kindly ask you read the online forms rule book , available in 4 languages!
There you will find exactly what is a traditional form, where is which time limit, what is a creative form and so on.
I thank you for the cooperation so far and wish all of us many traditional participants and a successful
WKF GERMANY bring again a huge team of fighters , coaches and referees for the upcoming WKF World Championships in Spain, November 18th to 22th.
Many German teams, clubs and officials are interested and send their request for membership in WKF GERMANY, to become “part of the game”
Full information about WKF amateur division is here !
More and more Champions, managers and promoters in Germany are interested in our WKF and want to get a chance to fight for WKF sanctioned titles.
Serious promoter don’t want “fake title fights from fake federations” any more.
Many people are disappointed from so called fake “World federations” just existing in internet only, or in perhaps 3 neighbor countries.
Just a fake, folks !
No value, no events, no service, no real World ranking !
More and more serious promoter, teams and top organizer in Germany want to cooperate with WKF since all pro business is running with WKF head office only.
Our BOXING / BKFC division get so many requests World wide !
For any further request contact WKF Germany by mail.
WKF HEAD OFFICE work very hard in cooperation with our IRC- “International rules committee” to train our international officials and referees, to answer protests and requests for the competition rules and to develop our various WKF rules.
History has shown nothing is set in stone!
Our last World referee seminar´s 2022 in Wels, Austria 2023 in Skofije, Slovenia and in Buenos Aires, Argentina 2023 appointed several new female WKF referees with international licenses.
Today we again have 11 female officials worldwide with an international WKF referee license.
The past has shown that we need more officially WKF licensed ladies internationally.
The next but one World referee seminar will be held now in autumn 2025, the weekend just before the European Championships 2025 .
As the world knows, our WKF is celebrating 60 years of existence in the next WKF World Championships in Spain in 2024.
We expect in Spain 2024 again more than 1.500 Champions, man and women.
Today WKF has more than 120 international licensed referees on 6 continents. Like all knowledge, more and more strong female champions and athletes are fighting
Of these, unfortunately, we only have
eleven WORLD CLASS female officials
To all our country presidents World wide:
send more female referees to the next World referee seminar on November 17th 2024 in Spain!
It is in your hands and your own responsibility …
we just need
more female officials
in our WKF
To all our
strong European
WKF Champions
and our
best referees!
The whole world will meet after Cairo 2021
in November 18th to 22nd 2024 in Alicante, Spain for the World Championships
strong teams from
and Latin America,
will challenge our best Europeans in order to stay at the top of the world rankings
WKF EUROPE needs all of
our best fighters,
women and men!
In Tatami, MMA and Ring sport !!!
A day before November 17th is the usual World referee Seminar !
At least one of your officials must be there to get WKF license.
I’ll see you all in Spain in November 2024
We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF country President.
Interested in working in a large world association?
Send us a non-binding email with your inquiry!
is the oldest and today perhaps the largest World wide sanctioning body since 1964 for Kickboxing, Thai boxing, MMA and SANDA.
For amateur events as well as for professionals.
NEW since March 1st 2024 is our BOXING / BKFC World division, for amateur and professionals !
World president is Hungarian TOP manager Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU, contact by email
“We don’t care about a poor, lost and helpless cheater, braggart and liar somewhere in the Australian bush” 😀
we are WKF – we don´t care
Today we have continental office on 6 continents and more than 140 active member countries World wide.
Now we want to invite YOUR BOXING champions for international events and we are looking for new WKF country presidents, promoters and managers in Europe.
If you´re interested to be part of the WKF family send just a mail to our WKF Europe office.
You will find our WKF World head office main web site on
For full information’s about PPF – Pro Point Fighting click here, for Sanda here
On the top right hand you will find the translater for other languages
Here are our 6 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more
Do you know all of our 6 continental websites?
At the SIXWAYS STADIUM in Worcester, two of the best UK girls will meet in the ring for the light welterweight – 60 kg WKF K-1 Champion title.
The Scottish Sophie VARLEY from Team SHERIFF will meet the No. one from England Erin MANSFIELD from the “Hopwood fight Centre”
This super ladies title fight has already been confirmed by the WKF head office and entered in the ranking list and official WKF event schedule.
The winner of this fight has already been offered a K-1 European title fight abroad.
Possible locations include Vienna, Prague or Budapest. All three have strong girls at this level.
For tickets, fight card and more details contact …
At the invitation of the WKF VIENNA, a high-ranking delegation came to Vienna directly from Nice.
WKF FRANCE President Mr. John LELONG, as well as the person responsible for boxing in France Alain VINOT and the head of kickboxing in WKF France Marian KRZYMANSKI.
Numerous discussions were held with the President of the WKF POLAND Mrs. Ewa HNAT, as well as with BOXING World President Daniel Z. HIRLAU, etc.
Mr. Lelong has confirmed over 50 men and women for Alicante in all disciplines.
Two Viennese champions Alexandra PETRE and Sissy CHWASTARZ also came by and answered numerous questions. Soon, fighters from Austria will finally be invited to France and French champions will return to Austria.
A l’invitation de la WKF VIENNE, une délégation de haut rang est venue à Vienne directement de Nice.
Le président de la WKF FRANCE M. John LELONG, ainsi que le responsable de la boxe en France Alain VINOT et le responsable du kickboxing de la WKF France Marian KRZYMANSKI.
De nombreux entretiens ont eu lieu avec la présidente de la WKF POLOGNE Mme Ewa HNAT, ainsi qu’avec le président mondial de la BOXE Daniel Z. HIRLAU, etc.
M. Lelong a confirmé plus de 50 hommes et femmes pour Alicante dans toutes les disciplines.
Deux championnes viennoises Alexandra PETRE et Sissy CHWASTARZ sont également venues et ont répondu à de nombreuses questions. Bientôt, les combattants autrichiens seront enfin invités en France et les champions français reviendront en Autriche.