Our WKF A1 supervisor, expert for CIS and Baltic States – Роман Логиш

Роман Логиш / Roman LOGISCH, WKF Supervisor for CIS and Baltic States

Our WKF head office has Mr. Roman LOGISCH as  A1 license Supervisor, expert for CIS and Baltic States.

Mr. Logisch is now since long time member and

WKF GERMANY president.

He speaks perfect German, fluent English and is native Russian speaker as well.

For any further requests in this area please contact him by mail.










Роман Логиш


Президент Федерации ВКФ в Германии


Супервизор ВКФ в СНГ и Прибалтике

Роман родился в Казахской ССР. В 7 лет переехал с семьей в Белоруссию. Закончил БГУФК, учился на кафедре спортивно-боевых единоборств и спецподготовки.

Неоднократный победитель и призер международных турниров по рукопашному бою, тайландскому боксу и кикбоксингу. Чемпион Евразии по муай-тай, чемпион Европы среди профессионалов по кикбоксингу, боец “Суперлиги”.

С 2001г. проживает в Германии. Активно занимается тренерской и промоутерской деятельностью. Подготовил многократных чемпионов Германии и Европы по кикбоксингу.

Успешно развивает Федерацию ВКФ на территории Германии, является совладельцем спортивного профессионального клуба.


По вопросам организации совместной работы обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты: wkfgermany@web.de



Legends: Alexey IGNASHOV, Alexander BEREZKIN, WKF supervisor Roman LOGISCH and Sergey HARITONOV

International Referee Seminar in Germany

2023 international WKF Referee Seminar in Germany

On February 24th, 2023 – February 26th, 2023, an international referee seminar of the World Kickboxing Federation was successfully held in Oberhausen, Germany.

The participants of the seminar received all the necessary knowledge in theory and practice, analysis of fights at different levels and successfully passed the final exam for an international referee certificate.

Prominent athletes were among the participants in the seminar:

Andrej Rudenko – European Champions in boxing, WBC Intercontinental Champion from St. Petersburg, Russia, Andreas Bastron – World Champion WKF, Germany.

Roman Logisch, WKF Germany President, Supervisor CIS and Baltic States, WKF A1 Referee and IRC member was also invited.

The following countries were represented: Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Sport connects!

WKF Germany would like to thank the Head Referee of WKF GERMANY Cavit Kaplan and his wonderful wife Tatjana for preparing and conducting the seminar at a high level.

Congratulations to all new and old referees on obtaining and confirming their licenses, good luck and see you again at the next qualification!

Next WKF title fight WKF GREECE announces next event in Kalamata

WKF GREECE title in Kalamata
on March 4th

Αποστολή εξετελέσθη.
Η Ελληνική σημαία ψηλά
@spiros_fretzios Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής WKF μέσα στην έδρα του αντιπάλου σε ένα παιχνίδι 5 γύρων που μας βρήκε Νικητές με πλειοψηφική απόφαση.
Σκούρτης Πέτρος Πανευρωπαϊκός πρωταθλητής WKF απέναντι σε έναν πολύ έμπειρο αθλητή νικητής με ομόφωνη απόφαση μετά από 5 συναρπαστικούς γύρους.
Ανδρεάδη Μαρία ήττα στα σημεία για την μικρή μας αθλήτρια αλλά πολλά υποσχόμενη.
Ευχαριστώ τους @official__stoiksgym @kydonas_sports @dimitris.makridis για την εμπιστοσύνη.
Αλλά και τον Δάσκαλο μου @barkingstars_boxfabrik σαν αρχηγό αποστολής που βοήθησε στο έπακρον όλη την αποστολή.
Τα καλύτερα έρχονται!
Περήφανοι όλοι

BOXING – International GBF Tournament in Innsbruck

Organized in cooperation with the WKF TIROL regional association the GBF AUSTRIA

an international amateur tournament in boxing in the Leitgebhalle, Innsbruck.

For men and women aged 16 to 35 with the required valid GBF license

As usual, you can find the advertisement in English language HERE in our downloads.

The tournament takes place at the same time in the same hall as the WKF Austrian Open,

but it is an independent event.


Pre-registration via email is required:


SURNAME, first name, weight class and which club


New WKF GREECE president: Annis DOMETIOU


Since January 1st we have a new member in the WKF world wide family.

Mr. Annis DOMETIOU is our new representative with all rights in WKF GREECE.

This step was necessary because the last President had to be dismissed for inactivity.

Other new presidents of the WKF EUROPE continental federation will follow shortly. Because we only have active and very active presidents and country representatives in the WKF. We don’t have lazy guys!

Please Welcome our new friend by mail.


“I have a Muay Thai school in Kiato Corinthia and I also teach in some schools in Athens Muay Thai and K-1.

I currently have the longest running organization Muay Thai in Greece and the only organization it has Rankings.

I have been organizing races for 10 years and have over 40 nights Fight.

Now together with my team we organized inter-club championships and matches every month pro amateur & professional (Muay Thai, K-1and MMA)

I still have a partnership with a private television channel Cosmote Tv . I also have ppv website that everyone sees our global struggles.www.questfighting.com





Also on Facebook / Instagram page : Mad Dog Tournament



BOXING – International GBF tournament in Innsbruck on April 22nd

full invitation HERE

In cooperation with the WKF TIROL regional association, our partner GBF AUSTRIA organizes an international amateur boxing tournament in the Leitgebhalle, Innsbruck.

For all men and women, from 16 to 35 years, with the required valid GBF license.

The tournament takes place at the same time, in the same hall as our WKF Austrian Open, but is an independent event.


Perfect for all teams that have boxing AND kickboxing athletes,

female and male !


Pre-registration via  e-mail is required!


full invitation HERE