Украинская федерация кикбоксинга WKF: о нас

Олексій Миколайович Казанцев / WKF UKRAINE president and TOP promoter Alexey Nikolayevich KAZANTSEV

Учеба.. Познание. Самореализация.

В основе концепции федерации «WKF UKRAINE» лежит простая идея: обеспечить качественные и доступные соревнования для всех желающих.


«WKF UKRAINE» является одной из лучших в Украине благодаря прекрасному тренерскому и судейскому составу.


Приглашаем вас познакомиться с динамичным календарем соревнований.


Присоединяйтесь к WKF UKRAINE.


федерації «WKF UKRAINE»



Федерація «WKF UKRAINE» запрошує тренерів, спортсменів до складу збірної команди України, щоб разом прийняти участь у Чемпіонаті Світу з Кікбоксингу WKF

у Каірі, Єгипет, 18-24 жовтня 2021 року.

Заявки на участь надсилати на електрону пошту:


European Championships 2023 in Ukraine




Ukrainian kickboxing federation WKF:  Contact !

about us Study .. Cognition. Self-realization.

The concept of the WKF UKRAINE federation is based on a simple idea: to provide high-quality and affordable competitions for everyone.

“WKF UKRAINE” is one of the best in Ukraine thanks to its excellent coaching and judging staff.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the dynamic competition calendar



Breaking News from WKF Latin America

WKF LAC continental president sr. Carlos SUAREZ and our new promoters in Colombia
Héctor Rafael Pérez, WKF PERU

WKF comes to PERU

The new promoter in Latin America, in this case in PERU, the capital of the INCA empire, is Héctor Rafael Pérez, who came to WKF on the recommendation of the promoter from Colombia Luis Mediomundo. In this way, WKF is getting strong in LATIN AMERICA and adding more countries in the region, all of which are willing to work.


Héctor Gómez, promoter in Colombia

Colombia adds a new promoter

We keep growing, with a new promoter in Bogotá Colombia WKF adds more presence in Latin American countries.

Héctor Gómez will work with 14 associated clubs for the growth of the WKF in the region.

You are already working as a team with Mr. Luis Mediomundo, also WKF promoter in Colombia, on the implementation of the regional championships and the national championship, which will be held in the country for the first time, in order to receive a COLOMBIAN SELECTION with prospects for the Pan American 2023 in Chile and the World Championships 2024 in France.


Today we are present in all Latin American countries …

in South America with strong work in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. In addition, Mexico and El Salvador are already putting their calendars together and we will be adding more countries in Central America shortly.


Nobody is stronger than all of us together!


WKF llega a PERU

Nuevo promotor en América Latina en este caso en PERU capital del imperio INCA, se trata del señor Héctor Rafael Pérez quien llego a WKF por recomendación del promotor de Colombia Luis Mediomundo.

De esta Forma WKF se hace fuerte en AMERICA LATINA sumando más países de la región y todos con muchas ganas de trabajar.


Colombia suma nuevo Promotor

Seguimos Creciendo, con nuevo promotor en Bogotá Colombia WKF suma más presencia en los países Latinos.

Héctor Gómez con 14 Clubes asociados trabajara para el crecimiento de WKF en la región.

Ya están trabajando en equipo con el Sr Luis Mediomundo, también Promotor de WKF en Colombia, para la realización de los campeonatos regionales y el campeonato Nacional que se disputara por primera vez en el país para obtener una SELECCION COLOMBIANA con vista al Panamericano 2023 y al Mundial 2024 en Francia.

Hoy tenemos presencia en todos los países Latinos, de América del SUR con trabajo fuerte en Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile y Argentina. Además, México y El Salvador ya están armando sus calendarios y en breve estaremos sumando más países en Centroamérica.

¡¡¡Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos!!!

International festival of martial arts and combat sports in Portugal

Another international festival of martial arts and combat sports is coming to an end.

3 days of great organizational and sporting intensity where the Matosinhos arena was represented at the highest level.

At a logistical level, an event that, despite the immense work it entails, has always had a motivated and professional team behind all this success… You are amazing ! At the sporting level, we put athletes in the 3 days of competition, with incredible performance and that make me believe that work pays.

Despite not being able to be 100% present as he would like with everyone, each of the athletes made personal improvement, mutual help among all and the dynamic arena and personal delivery an asset, filling our house with pride… my sincere congratulations to everyone as well as to the coaches who helped me in this success.

A word also to all our fans who have traveled to the sports venue. The strength that you transmit to us through your support is often the extra click for athletes to shine. In summary, tell everyone that I am the leader of a fantastic team and that it is not for nothing that I am so proud of you and of our house.

Yesterday, today and always the Matosinhos arena is more than a gym… It’s a way of being in life !!!

WKF AUSTRIA has new official face

WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML

WKF AUSTRIA elected a new line at the last meeting.

At the suggestion of a regional association, Ms. Tanja HELML was unanimously elected as the new president with immediate effect.

This is the first time in thirty Years of history of the Austrian Kickboxing federation that a woman has taken on this important position and head of the Austrian Association.

The new official email from WKF AUSTRIA:


A new MMA Austria national coach will be appointed shortly


Mr. Rene REINHART, WKF AUSTRIA Chief referee

The new chief referee in Austria is Mr. Rene REINHART.


Mr. Rene REINHART from Vienna was unanimously elected as the new Austrian Chief Referee.

With immediate effect he takes over the management of the Austrian referees and the seminars in East and West. E-mail

Austrian Championships 2021 in the City of Steyr

Invitation is here

WKF AUSTRIA announce next event on November 12th /13th in the City of Steyr.

Austria is on second position in the “all time World ranking”. More than 40 male and female Champions in the Austrian national team for the World Championships in Cairo, Egypt in October, 18th to 24th 2021.

Because of the COVID-19 VIRUS is this first Qualifications for the Austrians for 2022.

Many Austrian Clubs and teams are coming, everybody want to participate and to be “part of the game” !

Promoter is “IFT STEYR” , another TOP TEAM in Austria.

Invitation is here

Team WKF AUSTRIA in Cairo