BOXING – International GBF Tournament in Innsbruck

Organized in cooperation with the WKF TIROL regional association the GBF AUSTRIA

an international amateur tournament in boxing in the Leitgebhalle, Innsbruck.

For men and women aged 16 to 35 with the required valid GBF license

As usual, you can find the advertisement in English language HERE in our downloads.

The tournament takes place at the same time in the same hall as the WKF Austrian Open,

but it is an independent event.


Pre-registration via email is required:


SURNAME, first name, weight class and which club


New WKF GREECE president: Annis DOMETIOU


Since January 1st we have a new member in the WKF world wide family.

Mr. Annis DOMETIOU is our new representative with all rights in WKF GREECE.

This step was necessary because the last President had to be dismissed for inactivity.

Other new presidents of the WKF EUROPE continental federation will follow shortly. Because we only have active and very active presidents and country representatives in the WKF. We don’t have lazy guys!

Please Welcome our new friend by mail.


“I have a Muay Thai school in Kiato Corinthia and I also teach in some schools in Athens Muay Thai and K-1.

I currently have the longest running organization Muay Thai in Greece and the only organization it has Rankings.

I have been organizing races for 10 years and have over 40 nights Fight.

Now together with my team we organized inter-club championships and matches every month pro amateur & professional (Muay Thai, K-1and MMA)

I still have a partnership with a private television channel Cosmote Tv . I also have ppv website that everyone sees our global   



Also on Facebook / Instagram page : Mad Dog Tournament

BOXING – International GBF tournament in Innsbruck on April 22nd

full invitation HERE

In cooperation with the WKF TIROL regional association, our partner GBF AUSTRIA organizes an international amateur boxing tournament in the Leitgebhalle, Innsbruck.

For all men and women, from 16 to 35 years, with the required valid GBF license.

The tournament takes place at the same time, in the same hall as our WKF Austrian Open, but is an independent event.


Perfect for all teams that have boxing AND kickboxing athletes,

female and male !


Pre-registration via  e-mail is required!


full invitation HERE

Austrian Newcomer Championships 2022

In 2022, WKF AUSTRIA will again work in cooperation with the partner associations in the interests of sport.

The date has now been set and the “Newcomer Championships 2022” will take place on DECEMBER 10th in Eichgraben near Vienna.

The 4 ring sports are held: full contact, low kick, K-1 and Thai boxing.

For all men and women aged 16 and over.

A novice is considered to have 0 to 5 fights in the ring sport!

 In the evening an international TOP event begins, promoter KBEG.


Our licensed referees are assigned by WKF AUSTRIA.


Fighters who are not yet WKF AUSTRIA members can participate

without prejudice with a valid day license for 25 € and a medical certificate.


The “Newcomer Championships 2023” is planned for spring.


Send your non-binding inquiry BY MAIL to the President of WKF AUSTRIA Ms. Tanja HELML

Review of the European Championships in Wels

our European WKF directors




The last WKF European Championship in Wels, Austria, was the expected success. Many thanks to WKF AUSTRIA President Mrs. Tanja HELML, LV. OÖ. President Andreas HELML, Alexander PLETZ and everyone who helped.

WKF Supervisor was Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from WKF Latin America

Andreas and Tanja HELML

Our thanks also go to the city of Wels, who have tirelessly promoted our European Championship. Without the many helpers, the great success in Wels would not have been possible.

Four full days of action on 2 tatami and 2 rings, total over 500 fights 28 nations have registered online in advance and, as always, some nations did not appear. It was gratifying that small teams from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Turkey found their way to Wels again. Exactly 306 men and women from 21 nations weighed in on Monday and were professionally registered by our friendly team.

TOP international WKF referees from Romania, Austria, Croatia, France, Argentina, Spain, Ukraine and Germany.

The largest team was the Austrians as hosts with 97 (!) participants from 6 federal states. As always, our friends from France provided the largest team of guests. As is well known, France is the host of the 2024 World Cup in Thionville in Alsace.
Andreas and Tanja HELML

Romania, Portugal and Spain also all had large teams. Poland also had a lot of fighters and Frenky PAWLAK held first talks with many nations in view of the 2025 European Championships in Mikolow.

Important details would be discussed at the Europa Congress in the Hotel Plaza. Also some updates in the competition rules and also forms division, valid from 01.01.2023. Another report will follow shortly.

Romania and Slovakia have now applied for the 2023 European Championship.

You can already find the list of results HERE, the medal table of ALL European Championships HERE.

international TOP WKF Referees from Romania, Austria, Croatia, France, Argentina, Spain, Ukraine and Germany

BOXING – GBF International Amateur Tournament in Innsbruck on April 22, 2023

In cooperation with the state association WKF TIROL

organized by GBF AUSTRIA

international amateur boxing tournament

at the Leitgebhalle in Innsbruck.

For all men and women aged 16 to 35 with a valid GBF boxing license.

You can find the announcement in English HERE, in Deutsch HIER.

The tournament takes place at the same time as the WKF Austrian Open,

but it is a separate event.

With male and female, fighters from all over Europe welcome!


Pre-registration by e-mail


with NAME, first name, weight category and club