WKF World Cup in Lleida, Spain on June 21th to 25th

GBF World President Emilio BERTRAND and Alexandra PETRE in the hall in Lleida
full invitation is HERE

Our partner GBF World President Emilio BERTRAND invites all WKF nations to take part in the World Cup in Spain in June.

This was made possible by our GBF AUSTRIA President Mrs. Alexandra PETRE, who recently agreed and signed the contract in Spain.

The beautiful city of Lleida is located near Barcelona in Catalonia.

Our best WKF EUROPEAN clubs have numerous opportunities to participate.


From Kick-light to Muay Thai and MMA, everything is offered.


But be careful!


This is not for beginners, because the best Spaniards, male and female, and many other nations can be expected.

The next WKF European Championship 2023 will probably also take place in this hall in October (?)!

The World Cup in June would therefore be the best opportunity to visit the city and Hall beforehand

Also try out the sights, hotels, restaurants and more.




WKF CYPRUS director Mr. Christos ‘COCO’ NICOLAOU

WKF CYPRUS director since 2012, Mr. Christos NICOLAOU

Our long time WKF CYPRUS director since 2012, Mr. Christos NICOLAOU reportabout the oldest WKF member and Club in Cyprus !





“Paphos Muay Thai & Mix Martial Arts Training”its a unique center as it is the first pure Muay Thai Gym in the town from 1994 and probably the first one in the whole island.
Through all these years we have managed to develop athletes that became champions and great personalities.
Our training is based on very hard work, dedication and experience!
The gym turn into a Mix Martial Arts centre the past 8 years as we combine Bjj/Wrestling in combination with Muay Thai.
Our head coach Christos ‘COCO’ Nicolaou Master in Muay Thai & purple belt Bjj, with an experience for more than 100 Muay Thai fights.
Plus some MMA fights including Bellator MMA is a great individual passing his knowledge to anyone who is willing to learn this amazing martial arts!

WKF GREECE: Referee and judge seminar in Greece !

Vangelis MASTIS, WKF Greece Chief referee

WKF GREECE president Mr. Annis DOMETIOU announces its next event in Greece !

We inform you that there will be a seminar for referees and  judges by Vangelis MASTI, responsible for the Department  of referees and judges in WKF HELLAS.

Η WKF GREECE πραγματοποιεί Επιμορφωτικό Σεμινάριο Διαιτητών/Κριτών, με σκοπό την στελέχωση αντίστοιχου σώματος για τη σωστή διεξαγωγή των αγωνιστικών της υποχρεώσεων. Το εν λόγω σεμινάριο είναι ανοιχτό για όλους και θα πραγματοποιηθεί δια ζώσης, σε Αθήνα και Κιάτο.

Τα σεμινάρια Διαιτητών-Κριτών βελτιώνουν συνεχώς την ποιότητα και την τεχνογνωσία των διαιτητών/κριτών της WKF Greece, ενώ μεριμνούν και για την εναρμόνιση με τους κανόνες της Παγκόσμιας Ομοσπονδίας WKF World.

Για πληροφορίες συμμετοχές επικοινώνηστε με τον υπεύθυνο διαιτητών/κριτών Βαγγέλη Μαστη – 6945154250 .

Θα δοθεί πιστοποίηση στους συμμετέχοντες από την WKF World.

Austrian Open 21 st / 22nd April 2023

WKF LV. Tirol and Headcoach KBC Innsbruck Gerhard CORRADINI
full invitation HERE, registration open NOW

WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML announce next great international event 2023 in Innsbruck, Austria.
WKF AUSTRIA president Tanja HELML

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team organize one more time in Innsbruck Austrian Open tournament.

Open for all countries, federations and teams.


registration open NOW









For best men and Woman only !

full invitation is here


You can compete in point fighting, light contact, kick light and K-1 rules

Upon your request by mail, you will receive your access and password


Registration deadline: Friday, April 14th



Welcome to Austria         Welcome to Innsbruck 

Two new WKF pro World Champions from Australia

WKF PRO World Champion in K-1 – Matt STAPLEFORD
WKF PRO World Champion in K-1 – Milos RASTOVIC

On March 18th in the Franz Guggenberger Hall in Korneuburg; Austria, the International “24. Night of Glory”.

Male and female, international fighters from many nations were back in Korneuburg in the boxing ring.

The current results can be found online here:



For the first time in the history of Austrian sports, two Australian Champions (!) were invited to Austria and booked by the organizer www.knock-out.at.


Both Australians successfully defended their WKF PRO World Champion titles in K-1 rules kickboxing.


The reigning professional world champion Matt STAPLEFORD won his world championship title against Vienna’s Kristian ZECEVIC on points.

Matt holds now two World titles – lowkick and K-1 !

Another main event was the K-1 World Champion fight of Milos RASTOVIC from Sydney against Milivoja DUKIC from Wels, Austria.

This World Championship title fight also went to Sydney with a victory on points. 




Alexandra PETRE and Nikita MÜLLER – currently the best Austrian ladies in the boxing ring

For the first time in history, the LADIES LEAGUE was held very successfully in Korneuburg.


Austrian girl Nikita MULLER won her prestige fight – 66 Kg vs. the former Austrian Champion!


Alexandra “GODZILLA” PETRE from Vienna is currently number 1 in heavyweight + 66 Kg in many world associations.

She is four times amateur world champion since Cairo 2021 and 8 times European champion.

In addition, Petre holds the intercontinental title in the world associations GBF and WKF. Petre is #1 in many major world rankings.

Alexandra´s  ring name is GODZILLA,

and her fight record today: 36 fights, 33 wins and 12 of them by KO.

Her tough opponent Elena NEFINTIDI was signed from Greece and is a multiple champion. After a tough five-round battle, the international judges from Australia, Italy and Austria awarded another clear 3:0 victory for Petre.


Re-match is agreed for June 17th again in Austria in the “Wienerwald Grand Prix” event.


The next 25th Night of Glory will take place on September 23rd in Korneuburg

Two WKF pro World champion title fights in Austria on March 18th

Fight card is HERE

Now it’s fixed, the contracts were signed in Sydney

and arrived in Vienna !



The WKF AUSTRALIA and OCEANIA Director Mr. Rustam A. ATTAI will be traveling from Sydney as supervisor for this fight.

Mr. Attai is WKF World federation Vice president too.

World class referee Mr. Hamid ATTAI will be ringside judge.

WKF AUSTRIA thus fulfills the minimum requirements of the WKF – World Kickboxing Federation.

The title fight is Cruiserweight – 88.2 kg / – 194 lbs, scheduled for 5 x 3 minutes!

The reigning Australian professional world champion Matt STAPLEFORD comes with his belt and World Champion title from Sydney to Austria.

The Viennese Kristian ZECEVIC from ASIA GYM wants to keep this amazing belt to Vienna.






Seven international Ladies fights are already on the fight card !


World referee Hamid ATTAI from Sydney


The date is on Saturday, March 18th 2023 again in Korneuburg. nearby Vienna.

The Austrian challenger, Kristian ZECEVIC is ranked seventh in the World PRO rankings and has been accepted as an opponent by the Australians.

Milos RASTOVIC, Sydney

Kristian is very much looking forward to his first major title fight.



second pro World title fight with Australian Milos RASTOVIC is now confirmed as well !

Milivoja DUKIC from Wels, Austria challenge the ISKA Champion from Sydney

for the WKF World title belt in Supercruiserweight – 91,8 Kg / 202 lbs



TICKETHOTLINE    + 43 681 205 089 24    from 9-12h

Our WKF A1 supervisor, expert for CIS and Baltic States – Роман Логиш

Роман Логиш / Roman LOGISCH, WKF Supervisor for CIS and Baltic States

Our WKF head office has Mr. Roman LOGISCH as  A1 license Supervisor, expert for CIS and Baltic States.

Mr. Logisch is now since long time member and

WKF GERMANY president.

He speaks perfect German, fluent English and is native Russian speaker as well.

For any further requests in this area please contact him by mail.










Роман Логиш


Президент Федерации ВКФ в Германии


Супервизор ВКФ в СНГ и Прибалтике

Роман родился в Казахской ССР. В 7 лет переехал с семьей в Белоруссию. Закончил БГУФК, учился на кафедре спортивно-боевых единоборств и спецподготовки.

Неоднократный победитель и призер международных турниров по рукопашному бою, тайландскому боксу и кикбоксингу. Чемпион Евразии по муай-тай, чемпион Европы среди профессионалов по кикбоксингу, боец “Суперлиги”.

С 2001г. проживает в Германии. Активно занимается тренерской и промоутерской деятельностью. Подготовил многократных чемпионов Германии и Европы по кикбоксингу.

Успешно развивает Федерацию ВКФ на территории Германии, является совладельцем спортивного профессионального клуба.


По вопросам организации совместной работы обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты: wkfgermany@web.de



Legends: Alexey IGNASHOV, Alexander BEREZKIN, WKF supervisor Roman LOGISCH and Sergey HARITONOV

International Referee Seminar in Germany

2023 international WKF Referee Seminar in Germany

On February 24th, 2023 – February 26th, 2023, an international referee seminar of the World Kickboxing Federation was successfully held in Oberhausen, Germany.

The participants of the seminar received all the necessary knowledge in theory and practice, analysis of fights at different levels and successfully passed the final exam for an international referee certificate.

Prominent athletes were among the participants in the seminar:

Andrej Rudenko – European Champions in boxing, WBC Intercontinental Champion from St. Petersburg, Russia, Andreas Bastron – World Champion WKF, Germany.

Roman Logisch, WKF Germany President, Supervisor CIS and Baltic States, WKF A1 Referee and IRC member was also invited.

The following countries were represented: Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Sport connects!

WKF Germany would like to thank the Head Referee of WKF GERMANY Cavit Kaplan and his wonderful wife Tatjana for preparing and conducting the seminar at a high level.

Congratulations to all new and old referees on obtaining and confirming their licenses, good luck and see you again at the next qualification!

Next WKF title fight WKF GREECE announces next event in Kalamata

WKF GREECE title in Kalamata
on March 4th

Αποστολή εξετελέσθη.
Η Ελληνική σημαία ψηλά
@spiros_fretzios Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής WKF μέσα στην έδρα του αντιπάλου σε ένα παιχνίδι 5 γύρων που μας βρήκε Νικητές με πλειοψηφική απόφαση.
Σκούρτης Πέτρος Πανευρωπαϊκός πρωταθλητής WKF απέναντι σε έναν πολύ έμπειρο αθλητή νικητής με ομόφωνη απόφαση μετά από 5 συναρπαστικούς γύρους.
Ανδρεάδη Μαρία ήττα στα σημεία για την μικρή μας αθλήτρια αλλά πολλά υποσχόμενη.
Ευχαριστώ τους @official__stoiksgym @kydonas_sports @dimitris.makridis για την εμπιστοσύνη.
Αλλά και τον Δάσκαλο μου @barkingstars_boxfabrik σαν αρχηγό αποστολής που βοήθησε στο έπακρον όλη την αποστολή.
Τα καλύτερα έρχονται!
Περήφανοι όλοι