Review of the European Championships in Wels

our European WKF directors




The last WKF European Championship in Wels, Austria, was the expected success. Many thanks to WKF AUSTRIA President Mrs. Tanja HELML, LV. OÖ. President Andreas HELML, Alexander PLETZ and everyone who helped.

WKF Supervisor was Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from WKF Latin America

Andreas and Tanja HELML

Our thanks also go to the city of Wels, who have tirelessly promoted our European Championship. Without the many helpers, the great success in Wels would not have been possible.

Four full days of action on 2 tatami and 2 rings, total over 500 fights 28 nations have registered online in advance and, as always, some nations did not appear. It was gratifying that small teams from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Turkey found their way to Wels again. Exactly 306 men and women from 21 nations weighed in on Monday and were professionally registered by our friendly team.

TOP international WKF referees from Romania, Austria, Croatia, France, Argentina, Spain, Ukraine and Germany.

The largest team was the Austrians as hosts with 97 (!) participants from 6 federal states. As always, our friends from France provided the largest team of guests. As is well known, France is the host of the 2024 World Cup in Thionville in Alsace.
Andreas and Tanja HELML

Romania, Portugal and Spain also all had large teams. Poland also had a lot of fighters and Frenky PAWLAK held first talks with many nations in view of the 2025 European Championships in Mikolow.

Important details would be discussed at the Europa Congress in the Hotel Plaza. Also some updates in the competition rules and also forms division, valid from 01.01.2023. Another report will follow shortly.

Romania and Slovakia have now applied for the 2023 European Championship.

You can already find the list of results HERE, the medal table of ALL European Championships HERE.

international TOP WKF Referees from Romania, Austria, Croatia, France, Argentina, Spain, Ukraine and Germany

BOXING – GBF International Amateur Tournament in Innsbruck on April 22, 2023

In cooperation with the state association WKF TIROL

organized by GBF AUSTRIA

international amateur boxing tournament

at the Leitgebhalle in Innsbruck.

For all men and women aged 16 to 35 with a valid GBF boxing license.

You can find the announcement in English HERE, in Deutsch HIER.

The tournament takes place at the same time as the WKF Austrian Open,

but it is a separate event.

With male and female, fighters from all over Europe welcome!


Pre-registration by e-mail


with NAME, first name, weight category and club


Online team registration for the European Championships in Wels – deadline October 7th


31 countries have today already received their username and password on request


trailer European Championships 2022


Many countries have already registered their fighters,  250 + athletes are online


register today your national team


deadline October 7th

After that, the registration will be closed, no later registrations are possible!



OPEN few more days
click HERE for the invitation and all informations

On request only, our presidents will get USERNAME and PASSWORD, to register online, change, delete or just read all teams and participants.
Use standard Google Browser only !
Registration is NOW OPEN  just until the



Furthermore, the following of our WKF European national federations are already registered,

NOW everybody can register their teams!


So far, 31 national teams have confirmed their participation


in the European Championship in Wels, Austria:


Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France,

Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,

Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,

Ukraine and of course Austria


Just the weekend before is the upcoming annual  WKF World referee seminar
best chance to get or extend an international WKF referee license as well.
Each country must bring at least one WKF licensed referee or pay 250 euros in cash.
As we know from the experience of the last few years, many nations have not yet completed their qualifications. Other nations are still negotiating with a strong sponsor for their national team.





registration deadline FORMS and FIGHTING is October 7th!


request NOW for your personal password


In spring 2022, our European WKF board decided 7:1 not to exclude our Russian sports friends of WKF RUSSIA from participating in the European Championships in Wels, Austria, from October 24th to 29th.

The reason was that we are a worldwide sports federation – and not politicians!

We were also criticized for this decision!

For the same reason (!) the Olympic Boxing Association IBA has now abolished its ban on Russian AND Belarusian athletes with immediate effect.



IBA Board of Directors voted in favor to cancel its previous decision and allow boxers of Russia and Belarus to compete at the IBA events with immediate effect. The IBA strongly believes that politics shouldn’t have any influence on sports. Hence, all athletes should be given equal conditions.

Respecting its own autonomy as the international sports federation, the IBA shall remain politically neutral and independent. IBA calls for peace and remains a peacemaker in any conflicts. Moreover, the IBA has obligation to ensure equal treatment towards the athletes and competition officials, regardless of their nationality and residence.

Both Russian and Belarus teams will be able to perform under their flags, and the national anthems will be played in case they win a gold medal.

According to the decision, the technical officials of Russia and Belarus will also be back in the competitions.

Top Ten countries – European Championships in October in Wels, Austria

European Championships full invitation – click HERE
for Grand total all countries – click HERE

At home at his own event

everyone can become the champion


but to compete on the highest level, our European championship and to challenge the best fighter of Europe –


this is a different story


So many countries attended in the past without any medals, we hope for better luck and more success this Year !

In total we had 34 different countries attending in the past in our WKF European Championships! This Year we expect a new record on countries and fighters.

Any European country is welcome in our

WKF European Championships

Wels, Austria, October 24th to 29th 2022


registration deadline October 7th

23rd Night of Glory, on September 24th in Austria WKF titles on the fight card !


prior notice



The international match between national teams of

Austria and Poland has been confirmed


TICKETS available now

WKF AUSTRIA head office announce next event in Vienna, AAA Promoter


International Night Of Glory 23rd is on September 24th in the City of Korneuburg near by Vienna.


Confirmed fighters from Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania and of course Austria.







in the Ring!


WKF BULGARIA on the way to Wels 2022

ВКФ БЪЛГАРИЯ се подготвя за Австрия
full information is HERE / информация

Welcome to WKF BULGARIA !


In the last weeks WKF EUROPE head office got more and more requests from many Gym´s, fighters and manager from various Cities in Bulgaria, to become member and part of our WKF.

Many teams want now to participate on the next European Championships in Wels in October 24th to 29th, 2022.

But each participating country must have (!) at least one WKF incensed referee.

To have new WKF BULGARIAN officials we remember all interested and well experienced officials to come to our next World referee seminar in Wels in October 2022.

Just the weekend before the European Championships.



The World Kickboxing Federation is one of the leading organizations World Wide in the promotion of amateur and professional kickboxing in all styles, Muay Thai and MMA Mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.

Great is our SANDA & WUSHU division.

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.

To ensure the credibility of their “World Championship” titles and gives these world class athletes a real international platform on which to perform.


Read more here

European Championships in Austria, Добро пожаловать в Австрию

WKF Россия

An excerpt from our WKF statutes valid over 20


WKF’s aim was and always will be to enjoy the sport of Kickboxing and martial arts as an international sport, without discrimination over nationality, race or ethnic origin.

The WKF head office strongly believes in and upholds an Equal Rights Policy with all its members and those who wish to participate in it. With such a policy we here, at WKF wish to create a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone to enjoy the sport of Kickboxing and martial arts.

Sport has no racial, social or political barriers, which means that it is the perfect way for all men and women, boys and girls to achieve amazing results, regardless of race, creed or colour.

The opportunity to represent one’s country in the name of sport at an international level is probably one of  the greatest achievements an individual can make.

The pressure that the competitors have at this level is enormous, and goes far beyond normal physical endurance.

To win, especially at such a high level, competitors will have to tap into inner resources that their years of training will have prepared them for.





Выдержка из нашего устава WKF за более чем 20 лет!

Международная федерация кикбоксинга ( ВКФ / WKF) придерживается принципа равных возможностей для спортсменов независимо от пола, цвета кожи, религии, политических взглядов и места жительства.

В этом виде спорта нет расовых, социальных или политических барьеров, а это означает, что это идеальный путь для всех детей, взрослых, ветеранов и ремесленников к достижению потрясающих результатов, независимо от расы, вероисповедания или цвета кожи.

Возможность представлять свою страну на международном уровне во имя спорта, вероятно, является одним из величайших достижений человечества.

2022 King Auto Cup in Romania

Master Florin Mina, WKF Romania President, wishes to announce you all that between 16-17th of July 2022, in Saticul de Sus, located in the Natural Reservation of Piatra Craiului, Romania, he will host the 25th edition of Golden League Championship “KING AUTO CUP IX”.
The event will take place under the aegis of the World Kickboxing Federation; promoter “Tai Shin Do Gym”

The event will take place with the support provided by Mr Marian Neculai, CEO of the company King Auto and president of honour for WKF Romania. For any further request please contact Mr. Mina directly by MAIL

Master Florin MINA

Our special guest, Mr Fritz Exenberger, President of WKF will arrive from Austria in order to join us all at the event and participate to our Kickboxing training (Semi contact, Light contact, K-1) and Muay-Thai.