Maciej Krzyżanowski – new WKF POLAND national coach

Maciej Krzyżanowski, WKF POLAND

I am pleased to announce as the President of WKF Poland that Maciej Krzyżanowski, who is the coach of the Gladiator Jarosław Sports Club and a former fighter of the PZKB, WKF, PFKB and XFC federation, is returning to our Federation.

He was, among others, a multiple Polish medalist, European Pro-Am Champion in the Low-Kick division, and ended at the Polish Professional Championship winning this title.

Maciej Krzyżanowski has been appointed as one of the coaches of the Polish National Kickboxing Team to the WKF Federation.

We look forward that the fighters from KS Gladiator Jarosław will take part in the World Championships in Spain November 18th to 22nd.

I think this is just the beginning of our amazing cooperation. 😊

Wszystkie informacje znajdziesz TUTAJ

Z przyjemnością informuję jako Prezydent WKF Poland, że do naszej Federacji wraca Maciej Krzyżanowski, który jest trenerem Klubu Sportowego Gladiator Jarosław oraz byłym zawodnikiem PZKB, WKF,PFKB i federacji XFC.

Był między innymi wielokrotnym medalistą Polski, Mistrzem Europy Pro-Am w formule Low-kic jak i zakończył na Zawodowym Mistrzostwie Polski zdobywając ten tytuł.

Maciej Krzyżanowski został powołany jako jeden z trenerów Reprezentacji Polski Kick-Boxingu do Federacji WKF. 

Cieszymy się, że zawodnicy z KS Gladiator Jarosław wezmą udział już w listopadzie w Mistrzostwach Świata w Hiszpanii.

Myślę, że to dopiero początek naszej dobrej współpracy.

Alexandra PETRE is looking for any K-1 fight in Europe!





Alexandra “GODZILLA” PETRE  


from Vienna in Austria was at the WKF European Championship in Wels four-time European champion.


Four Gold medals and best athlete on this Championships.

Her remarkable fight record in K-1:

41 fights, 38 wins, including 12 KO


Her weight class is the open Ladies Heavyweight + 66 Kg/+145 lbs,  favorite discipline is K-1.

Alexandra also won the European Cup in Poland against strong opponents.

“You’re not a champion, not the best fighter –

unless you beat the current World champion” 

says Alexandra

“GODZILLA” is currently number 1 in the WKF PRO-AM world rankings and Nr. 1 in many other serious World rankings as well.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find opponents in Europe.

Her management is negotiating an intercontinental title in Papua New Guinea (!)

4 x World Champion

Alexandra PETRE is multiple WKF European Champion and currently one of the best fighters in the Ladies K-1 heavyweight division in Europe.

Petre is looking for a suitable European opponent for a 5 X 2 minute K-1 title fight. All interested girls have a chance of this fight. Re-match guaranteed and part of the deal.

Now she wants to compete against the best heavyweight girl at any event World wide.

in future: any suitable female heavyweight opponent in open ladies Heavyweight +66 Kg /+ 145 lbs,

If you were looking for an opponent for YOUR GIRL ON YOUR NEXT EVENT, it would be a great fight!

Send your fighter profile and attach 2-3 jpg photo and e-mail it.

New WKF LITHUANIA team confirmed for Spain

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV

Sveiki atvykę į didelę WKF šeimą !

Please welcome our new president in Lithuania !

We are therefore pleased to introduce our new president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV in Klaipeda, Lithuania.

All our Lithuanian athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain in November, please send an email to our new WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

You can find his short introduction here:

In sports world 29 years. Different conditions and disciplines for updating the current – main streams 

Full body conditioning / Kickboxing / Muay Thai /  / Psychology – Rehabilitation . Black Belt – certificate of excellence on WKN.

WACO Lithuania tournaments, members of LKF / LMMAF.

Many new updates in our World rankings

Karl PRODERUTTI, Bruck/Mur, Austria
Alexandra PETRE, European and World Champion





So many new male and female fighters in our PRO-AM World ranking as well as in our PPF – Pro Point Fighting World rankings.

Based on the results of the last European Championships in Wels, Austria.

Just in the last two weeks more than 50 new fighters are listed in the WKF World rankings.

Many photos of our Champions are still missed, please check all rankings and send your photo by mail ASAP.

Everybody likes the idea to give the best amateur fighters a chance to fight for a real valuable title, and still to be amateur.

This is to avoid any miss match, just to have an opponent in same amateur level.


How to get listed ?

Very simple, just fill in the online fighter profile on right hand, add a jpg of your male / female fighter and send to our head office. Can´t be much easier !!!

If you want to book any PRO-AM title , PPF title or PROFESSIONAL title for your next event title just contact our head office by mail.

Next WKF event in Lithuania

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV announce our next WKF sanctioned event in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Confirmed date is May 4th !

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV
info here

Lithuania is in full preparation for the upcoming World Championships in November in Spain.

First time ever in our WKF history we have Amateur Boxing for male and female as well in ALICANTE, SPAIN in our program. Many Lithuanian Champions was famous Boxers in the past.

All our Lithuanian athletes in BOXING and Kickboxing Tatami and Ring sport, who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain 18th to 22th November, please send your request by email to our WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

Čia rasite visą informaciją / here you will find all the information

33rd Austrian Open in Innsbruck

full information HERE

WKF AUSTRIA president Gerhard CORRADINI announce next great international event in Innsbruck, Austria
April 26th / 27th
registration NOW open
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 24th

Upon your request by email, you will immediately receive your access and password for your registration!

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team are now organizing the Austrian Open tournament in Innsbruck for the 33rd time. 

Open for all countries, federations and teams

Invitation is here you can compete in:

Forms, point fighting, light contact, kick light and K-1 rules.

AND: again in amateur BOXING

AUSTRIA welcomes you!       😀

Welcome to Innsbruck  

Romania Open in Rucar on Juli 20th

Master Florin MINA, President of WKF ROMANIA, is hosting the super event that will take place on July 20, 2024 in the beautiful mountain region of Rucar (Arges County) and the Golden League Championship.

30th Romania International Open Kickboxing Tournament

The main supporter of the event, Mr. Cosmin Horatiu Jieanu, President of Swat Force Romania, will be there.

The official weigh-in will take place on Friday, July 19 and the event will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday.

With a view to the Super World Championships in November in Spain, we recommend that all of our members in the WKF EUROPA compete in the City Rucar with as large a team as possible and support our Romanian sports friends. The announcement in English will follow shortly.

The following have already confirmed their participation: Hungary, Germany, Poland, Moldova, Austria and others from Eastern and Western Europe.

Romania warmly welcomes everyone!

WKF Campionato Italiano, Molfetta

Il Presidente della WKF ITALIA Salvatore MATERA annuncia il prossimo evento nella città di Molfetta. Qualificazione della Nazionale italiana ai Mondiali di Alicante, in Spagna, a novembre.

WKF ITALY President Salvatore MATERA announces the next event in the city of Molfetta.  A qualification for the Italian national team for the World Championships in Alicante, Spain, in November.

informazioni complete qui

WKF K-1 World Grand Prix – big chance for any serious European promoter

At the last world congress in Buenos Aires in Latin America, the WKF World Kickboxing Federation presented the new league for the first time


This is for all our AAA WKF promoter only. Our WKF EUROPE  head office confirm the WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX in June 2024 in Austria.

What are the conditions to promote in Europe next WGP and to become AAA promoter level ?

International Champions from at least 3 continents!

Two air tickets for each foreign fighter and his corner man,

food and good Hotel, paid by the organizing team

Big Chance for any male / female European Champion to fight abroad !

International WKF licensed referee and supervisor, solely appointed by our WKF head office, TV contract (!) for the event and at least one professional WKF World title !

Are you interested to organize our WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX in your town ?

Sanction fee for the WKF World Grand Prix is part of negotiation.

For the WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX in Austria Champions from 10 countries and 4 continents in negotiation for the fight card.

Due to the worldwide COVID virus situation, the date had to be postponed to September 2023. The organizers in Austria have confirmed the “WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX” again. It’s good to have more time to register and prepare for our international champions.

China, Austria, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Poland and more Europeans in negotiations …

This is again a cooperation with K-1 Fighting Network Austria !

International K-1 eight man tournament, plus  WKF sanctioned title fights, plus international Ladies fights, plus excellent show program, pretty ring girls and much more. 

More details coming soon, stay tuned …