WKF needs World wide more female licensed referees and officials

Alexandra PETRE / Austria
Milva BRITEZ / Argentina

WKF HEAD OFFICE work very hard in cooperation with our IRC- “International rules committee” to train our international officials and referees, to answer protests and requests for the competition rules and to develop our various WKF rules.

History has shown nothing is set in stone!

Cornelia GESPERGER / Austria
Katharina GOTTWALD / Austria

Our last World referee seminar´s 2022 in Wels, Austria 2023 in Skofije, Slovenia and in Buenos Aires, Argentina 2023 appointed several new female WKF referees with international licenses.

Alexandra KAPPEL / Austria
Tanja HELML / Austria

Today we again have 11 female officials worldwide with an international WKF referee license.

The past has shown that we need more officially WKF licensed ladies internationally.

The next but one World referee seminar will be held now in autumn 2025, the weekend just before the  European Championships 2025 .

Beatriz REYES / Chile
Patrizia APOLOT / Uganda

As the world knows, our WKF is celebrating 60 years of existence in the next WKF World Championships in Spain in 2024.

We expect in Spain 2024 again more than 1.500 Champions, man and women.

Without valid WKF license you are not an official in our World Kickboxing Federation!!
Melissa SAILER / Austria
Pana BALADI / Germany

Today WKF has more than 120 international licensed referees on 6 continents. Like all knowledge, more and more strong female champions and athletes are fighting

Of these, unfortunately, we only have

eleven WORLD CLASS female officials

Susanna ARRIGHI / Argentina 

Our executive board therefore emphatically requests all WKF country presidents to send more female referees to Spain, the next seminar in Alicante in November 2024.

To all our country presidents World wide:

send more female referees to the next World referee seminar on November 17th 2024 in Spain!

It is in your hands and your own responsibility …

we just need

more female officials

in our WKF

WKF GERMANY get so many new members !

WKF Germany Banner_

WKF PRO World title belt

WKF GERMANY bring again a huge team of fighters , coaches and referees for the upcoming WKF World Championships in Spain, November 18th to 22th.

Many German teams, clubs and officials are interested and send their request for membership in WKF GERMANY, to become “part of the game”

MMA continental title belt
WKF MMA continental Champion belt

Full information about WKF amateur division is here !

More and more Champions, managers and promoters in Germany are interested in our WKF and want to get a chance to fight for WKF sanctioned titles.

Serious promoter don’t want “fake title fights from fake federations” any more.

Many people are disappointed from so called fake “World federations”  just existing in internet only, or in perhaps 3 neighbor countries.

Just a fake, folks !

No value, no events, no service, no real World ranking !

More and more serious promoter, teams and top organizer in Germany want to cooperate with WKF since all pro business is running with WKF head office only.

Our BOXING / BKFC division get so many requests World wide !

For any further request contact WKF Germany by mail.

BOXING / BKFC continental Champion belt – valid on 6 continents

WKF now open for new partners in Europe

WKF World president and CEO Fritz EXENBERGER



World Kickboxing Federation


is the oldest and today perhaps the largest World wide sanctioning body since 1964 for Kickboxing, Thai boxing, MMA and  SANDA. For amateur events as well as for professionals.

NEW since March 1st 2024 is our BOXING / BKFC World division, for amateur and professionals !

World president is Hungarian TOP manager Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU, contact by email

And “We don’t care about a poor, lost and helpless cheater, braggart and liar somewhere in the Australian bush” 😀 

we are WKF – we don´t care

WKF – World head office

Today we have continental office on 6 continents and more than 140 active member countries World wide.

imagesNow we want to invite YOUR champions for international events and we are looking for new WKF country presidents, promoters and managers in Europe.

If you´re interested to be part of the WKF family send just a mail to our WKF Europe office.

full information HERE

You will find our WKF World head office main web site on www.wkfworld.com

For full information’s about PPF – Pro Point Fighting click here, for Sanda  here

On the top right hand you will find the translater for other languages

Here are our 6 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more


Do you know all of our 6 continental websites?




WKF EUROPE best officials 2023

New WKF LITHUANIA team confirmed for Spain

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV

Sveiki atvykę į didelę WKF šeimą !

Please welcome our new president in Lithuania !

We are therefore pleased to introduce our new president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV in Klaipeda, Lithuania.

All our Lithuanian athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain in November, please send an email to our new WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

You can find his short introduction here:

In sports world 29 years. Different conditions and disciplines for updating the current – main streams 

Full body conditioning / Kickboxing / Muay Thai /  / Psychology – Rehabilitation . Black Belt – certificate of excellence on WKN.

WACO Lithuania tournaments, members of LKF / LMMAF.

World Championships 2024 in Spain !!!

So far, a fantastic 60 nations have confirmed their participation in the World Championships in Alicante, Spain

in english language HERE: https://events.wkfworld.com/

o en español AQUÍ:  spain.iwkf.ar/es/home.php

Вся информация на русском языке

registration is now possible – ask for access and password

invitation from WKF RUSSIA
Invitación de WKF CHILE – EN ESPAÑOL
WKF CHINA has now officially confirmed a strong team for Spain

2024 – You want to promote WKF titles?



WKFWorld Kickboxing Federation


was 2023 the fastest growing World sanctioning body. Events for amateurs and pro on 6 continents in now more than 140 countries shows about the serious activities of our promoter, manager and fighters. More than 1900 (!) Poster in our gallery are the clear proof of our worldwide activities

Just in 36 month WKF has sanctioned more than 300 title fights World wide. From South Africa to Scandinavia, from USA to Russia, from Canada to Argentina. In Papua New Guinea and Australia, as well as 31 WKF events 2023 just on the African continent. With our WKF continental president in North America as well as in Latin America we had also WKF title fights events. Canada, USA, Mexico – and everywhere in south America e.g. Argentina, Brazil and Chile or Colombia are today very strong partners!

This confirm once again our true WKF slogan

 “we are the real global player”.

We have no fakes on our event schedule. Our different male / female World rankings in PPF – Pro Point Fighting, PRO-AM , Sanda, pro ring sport and MMA are top, based on information’s we get from our World wide network. Our BOXING / BKFC division is moving fast and forward!

WKF title fight minimum requirements are here, if you want to promote a real World title fight with great value, or for any other request, do not hesitate to contact us by mail.

For amateurs we offer our PRO AM title fights for low costs, for point fighters all over the World we offer PPF – PRO POINT FIGHTING – with international valid ranking lists, both divisions with great value and international recognition.

We offer the chance to fight in all 4 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts.

Here are our 6 WKF divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more


Semper et ubique


WKF BOXING / BKFC – new World division

Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Dear sports friends,

On March 1, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work.

By athletes – for athletes!

The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.

In collaboration with all of our 140 + WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 nations.


BOXING_BKFC Intercontinental title belt

The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU became world president of the new division from March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!

The international WKF license applies to all boxers!

For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory! We would be happy to help you with this too.

All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING / BKFC head office, Mr. Hirlau,

by email: wkf-boxing@gmx.at

Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.

contact mail:  Ő beszél magyarul / limba romana / English oder Deutsch

respectfully greetings

Daniel Z. HIRLAU



MMA in the WKF World wide network

WKF MMA continental champion belt


WKF – World Kickboxing Federation – is one of the greatest and World wide sanctioning body for Kick boxing and MMA in amateur and pro.

On our web site mma.wkfworld.com you could find all important facts and news about MMA in our World sanctioning body.

More than 55.000 hits just in 2023 is the result of serious and hard work.

Just fill in the new online fighter profile here, add a jpg photo and we will post you in our MMA rankings,  European or World ranking.

For any requests contact our WKF head office by mail and visit our WKF MMA and the main web site www.wkfworld.com


WKF MMA World champion belt