French Open in Bruay La Buissiere

Open international de France WKF du 01 au 02 mars,

Ouvert à toutes les nations et équipes, pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à :

WKF French International Open from March 1st to 2nd

Open to all nations and teams. For more information please email:


Styrian Fight Night 4.0 in Bruck an der Mur

World Champion Karl PRODERUTTI – title defense in Austria

The date of Saturday February 15, 2025 in the Bruck a.d. Mur sports hall has been confirmed.

The PRO world title fight is, as always, in K-1 in light middleweight – 72.3 kg.

All preparations are in the final stages, the contracts for the world championship PRO title fight against the “super strong” Frenchman from La Reunion have been signed.

Samuel ANDOCHE is currently in eighth place in the PRO WKF world rankings. He comes directly from the south of Africa, an island in the Indian Ocean. To this day an overseas department and French territory.

The second PRO-AM title fight has also now been confirmed.

Karl PRODERUTTI, Austria

Chabib KATAEV is No. 13 in the light middleweight division – 71 kg and is therefore the best Austrian today. His intended Hungarian opponent broke his nose during sparring. Now our Hungarian sports friends have provided a replacement opponent.

Oliver TAKACS is now coming from the Sukothai Thai Box SE. Team. He is one of the best Hungarian fighters in this weight class, currently No. 17 in the PRO-AM world ranking and will certainly be a challenge for Chabib.

As in the previous year, most of the tickets are already sold out !

WKF World Championships in Alicante

… was the expected great success!

At the registration deadline, 62 nations from all 6 continents were registered online. As feared, some countries had not received entry visas, for whatever reason.

During registration on the first day, more than 500 fighters from 5 continents stepped on the scales, including, happily, more than 100 female athletes.

The quality and level of the fights were truly worthy of a world championship. If you don’t believe it, you can qualify for the 2026 World Championship in Colombia. There you can compete against the truly best fighters and be crowned a true world champion.

At the World Congress on Monday, more than 30 country presidents were present for the first time. Many new dates for events World wide for 2025/2026 were assigned and confirmed. The new WKF board was elected for 4 years until the 2028 World Championship!

A new world director for MMA and also for Muay Thay was also confirmed. Also a new WKF ASIA continental director was nominated!

As expected, the IRC – International Rules Committee made some rule changes, effective from January 1st, 2025.

All details and lots of photos will follow shortly, stay tuned….

Real TOP TEN countries in the World

This is the Grand total medal record of our TOP TEN countries from all WKF World Championships in the past !

Leading continent is WKF EUROPA 

nine countries in TOP TEN ranking

First country is WKF ARGENTINA on pos. 1st    85/77/54

First North American country is WKF CANADA on pos. 12th    16/24/9

First Asian country is WKF IRAN on pos. 15th  15/2/7

Best Africans are WKF SOUTH AFRICA on pos 19th,    9/4/4

Down under WKF AUSTRALIA hold on position 36th  1/2/3



At home on his own local event everybody could be the champion …

first ten and best countries in the World !

but to compete on the highest level,

our  WKF World Championship

and to challenge the best fighter of the world

🙂 this is a different story

No time for “yada yada” !!!

Many countries attended in the past without any medals, we hope for better luck and more success next time in Spain, 18th to 22nd November. In total we had 76 different countries attending, next time we expect a new record on countries and fighters. Any country is welcome in our WKF World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18th to 22nd  2024

WKF European Cup in Moldova

Story in English is HERE on the main web site , 100 + photos HERE !


face to face

С 16.10 по 20.10. в г. Кишинёв, Республика Молдавия прошёл Открытый Кубок Европы по кикбоксингу: Open European Cup под эгидой Всемирной Федерации кикбоксинга WKF, World Kickboxing Federation.

Свыше пятисот спортсменов из 17 стран приняли участие в этом престижном турнире. Выдающие спортсмены, представители национальных сборных стран-участниц продемонстрировали изящные и яркие поединки на самом высоком техническом уровне.

promoter Mr. Rustam ALIMOV

В рамках турнира в программе гала-вечера состоялось 2 поединка за титул Чемпиона Европы и три боя за титул Чемпиона Мира среди профессионалов по версии WKF.

Диана Чебан (Молдавия) и Габриэль Мардаров( Румыния) стали Чемпионами Европы WKF ProAm.

Максим Казаку( Беларусь), Виктор Нечитайло( Беларусь) и Максимус Беженута( Молдавия ) – новые Чемпионы Мира среди профессионалов в разделе К1 по версии WKF.

Напомним, что велась прямая трансляция турнира.

В качестве почетных гостей на турнире присутствовали:

Вице-спикер Парламента Республики Молдова- Батрынча Влад,

Президент Федерации профессионального бокса Республики Молдова- Киртока Алексей,

Мэр города Кишинев- Чебану Ион,

Посол Республики Беларусь в Республике Молдова- Калинин Анатолий Николаевич,

Генеральный директор Государственного Учреждения “Республиканский центр олимпийской подготовки “Стайки “”,официальный Представитель WKF в Беларуси- Хмельков Сергей Васильевич,

многократный Чемпион Мира по кикбоксингу и представитель журнала единоборств «Shogun» Флориан Бартл- Florian Barthl (г. Вена, Австрия),

Президент Всемирной Федерации Кикбоксинга WKF – Фриц Эксенбергер-Fritz Exenberger (г. Вена, Австрия),

Супервайзер титульных боёв, Генеральный секретарь WKF Роман Логиш- Roman Logisch (г. Кельн,Германия).

Организатор и промоутер турнира Рустам Батурович Алимов был утвержден на должность Вице-Президента профессионального дивизиона WKF Pro за выдающийся вклад в развитие мирового кикбоксинга.

Поздравляем Рустама Батуровича Алимова с успешным завершением Кубка Европы по кикбоксингу и новым назначением!

World Championships 2024 in Spain !!!

Until today,  fantastic 70+ nations have confirmed their participation in the World Championships in Alicante, Spain



in english language HERE:

o en español AQUÍ:

Вся информация на русском языке

registration is now possible – ask for access and password

приглашение от WKF РОССИИ
Invitación de WKF CHILE – EN ESPAÑOL
WKF CHINA has now officially confirmed a strong team for Spain

Open European Cup in Moldova in October




16th to 20th


International WKF tournament and PRO title fights of the highest class.

Perfect opportunity for the last test and preparation for all Europeans before the upcoming Super World Championship in Alicante, Spain.


TOP Ladies European title – one of five

The promoter Mr. Rustam ALIMOV is known in the scene as a TOP organizer. Very good organization, many nations from East and West, great hospitality in the capital Chisinau and strong fighters from Eastern Europe, men and women!

Many national teams as well as e.g. WKF AUSTRIA will use this tournament to test their teams – male and females in time befor the World Championship in Spain.

WKF AUSTRIA and WKF GERMANY national teams has already been called up for Moldova!


WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu sizi burada ağırlıyor

Değerli sporseverler,

WKF Avrupa web sitemizi burada bulabilirsiniz:

Aralık 2023’te WKF TÜRKIYE eski ulusal başkanımızı kovduk. Bu nedenle Türkiye için tüm hak ve yükümlülüklere sahip, nitelikli bir halefle ilgileniyoruz!


1. Amatör Dünya Şampiyonasımıza 18-22 Kasım tarihleri ​​arasında İspanya’nın Alicante kentinde ev sahipliği yapıyoruz.


İdeal olarak her zaman Türkiye’den bir takım bekleriz. Tüm takımlar için çevrimiçi kayıt artık açık:

Yalnızca talep üzerine erişim ve şifre alacaksınız.

2. Yıllık Dünya Hakem Semineri önceki Pazar, 17 Kasım’da gerçekleşecek. Ülke başına en az bir yetkili bulunmalıdır, ancak daha fazlası daha iyi olur!

3. Amatör kickboks, MMA, PRO kickboks ve 1 Mart’tan itibaren boks – amatör ve profesyonel, erkek ve kadın için küresel sıralamalar sunuyoruz. Daha fazla ön bilgiye buradaki ekte veya talep üzerine 7/24 e-posta yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.

4. Daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu, WKF Türkiye Başkanı olarak yeni bir temsilci arıyor.

Polonya’da düzenlenecek 2025 Avrupa Şampiyonası’nın duyurusu

Göreviniz Türkiye’deki WKF’mizi yeniden düzenlemek, turnuvaları ve akşam gösterilerini kendiniz düzenlemek veya Türkiye’de onaylamak olacaktır. Milli takımları kasım ayında 2024 Dünya Kupası’na, 2025’te ise Polonya’ya yapılacak Avrupa Şampiyonası’na götürüyoruz.

Dünyanın en büyük (!) derneklerinden birinde önemli bir rol oynamakla ciddi olarak ilgileniyorsanız, onayınızı bekliyoruz. e-posta yoluyla:

Son olarak kişisel bir toplantı da mümkündür. Size bir WKF süpervizörü göndermekten memnuniyet duyarız ancak Avusturya’ya da gelebilirsiniz.

Onlardan haber almak bizi mutlu ediyor,
